
Welcome to the Lucas County Law Library!
Please read over the following information
concerning the benefits and responsibilities of your new membership:
Unique membership benefits
- Ability to check out permissible library materials
- 24/7 library access
- Free or discounted CLE sign up
Lucas Conty Law Library
Library amenities
Computer room with 5 computers, typewriter, and copier/fax/scanner
4 private rooms in the lower level for client meetings and quiet work
Upper and lower level conference rooms available
2 telephone rooms in the upper level for private phone calls
Kitchenette area
Vending machines
Legal research materials
Lexis Advance
CCH Tax Service
Robust print collection focusing on Ohio law
Lexis digital library
LibraryWorld, our online searchable catalog
To make the most of your membership, inquire at the front desk to:
- Obtain wireless internet access for your devices with your own unique login and password
- Sign the 24/7 access agreement to obtain door codes
- Create a Papercut account that you can load money (cash only) onto to pay for prints and copies
- Sign up to receive Thomson Reuters e-newsletters, available on the following topics: Bankruptcy, Commercial Transactions, Corporate & Securities, Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation, Finance, Intellectual Property & Technology, Labor & Employment, Litigation, Real Estate, State & Local Government, Trusts & Estates
Library Rules
- No food or uncovered beverages in the computer room
- You must be present in order to have clients in the library
- Conduct client meetings in the private rooms on the lower level
- Personal effects, including client files, cannot be stored or left in the library. Client files found in the library will be turned over to the TBA
Contact Us
Address : 905 Jackson St,
Toledo, OH 43604
E-mail : [email protected]
Phone : (419)213-4747
Follow us on Facebook : @lucascountylawlibrary
Our county webpage: lucas-county-law-library
E-mail : [email protected]
Phone : (419)213-4747
Follow us on Facebook : @lucascountylawlibrary
Our county webpage: lucas-county-law-library

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